Deep Diver
Open Up A Depth Of New Dive Sites
Diving deeper than the entry level depth of 60' is not difficult, but it does have its own set of concerns and procedures that is important to address. Shorter no decompression times, increased possibly of narcosis and faster air consumption all require enhanced vigilance on part of the buddy team. This class addresses those practices to make diving deeper a rewarding and safe experience.
Availability: In Stock
15 years of age
PADI Advanced Open Water Diver or PADI Adventure Diver (or other qualifying certification)
$220 / diver which includes student manual, all instruction, 1 pool dive, 4 open water dives and certification.
Save up to 15% / diver if you sign up at the same time you enroll in PADI Advanced Open Water Diver certification.
You are responsible for travel expenses, any park or dive site admission & any equipment needs.
Personal Gear: Mask, snorkel, fins, boots, logbook, knife or diver tool, SMB w/ spool or reel.
Diving System: Tank, BCD with low pressure inflator, primary regulator and alternate air source, SPG, depth gauge or dive computer, compass, quick release weight system and weights, adequate exposure protection, one audible emergency surface signaling device, dive computer or RDP w/ timing device.
We offer special pricing on rental Diving Systems for our students – contact our store for more information.
The deep dive in your PADI Advanced Open Water class can be credited toward your PADI Deep Diver class. Your PADI Deep Diver certification also meets some prerequisites for your PADI Master Scuba Diver certification.